
Our Redemption.

I am not a victim...

My fear is futile in it\'s struggle over my soul...

My suffering is a welcome diversion to my joy to be alive...

My climb each day is both agony and a privilege to even try...

I leap over voids of peril, yet will be contained by, to be set free once again...

My will to dismiss what is empty and fleeting, no matter my innate ability to make it relevant, is left behind in it\'s uselessness once again...

My courage to crush strife and manifest never-ending possibilities to thrive...

Will be challenged and I will give in and be dishonored, to gain my honor back, despite my inner voice of shame...

To let fall the ones that ridicule...

No matter my broken belief that the validation of them I long for...

To see me looking back from a glass that was once cracked from my disgust of what I saw...

A man of grace who moaned to hear he could be saved...

Off to seek the lost and forgotten as I...

Yet firmly home now, bound in strength, to make them victims no more...

Or even for just a moment, as to begin their own struggle to be set free...

No matter the chains they may discard, that once chained me...

They are cut free, as we seek thee...

And our blindness to our weakness as a victim, is vision forever restored in its witness to the beauty and glory...

Of who they and I have become...and the truth of why...