Makoto Maruyama

Great Journey


The day we stood up on our two feet at first

Lying in that meadow

Had watched the clouds and the sun

Had looked at the stars

No change



The day we got up on our two feet

Our eyes are our sun

Heavenly sun have shone the world from origin

Our sun

Shone for the first time

As the way heavenly didn’t sun shine


We built great pole

As our memory of the first time we stood up


Our sun no longer shines

Heavenly sun

Clouds in the sky

Stars in the night



The day we stood up on our two feet at first

The day we took our first step

Next second step

Third step

Our sun

Illuminated one new world after another

Heavenly sun remains the same

And continues to shine on our steps


Ωκεανός (Ōkeanos) has passed

California is forgotten


Heavenly sun and our sun are sleeping

At that time

Arrive to us

Countless gifts

Shone tens of thousands of years ago

From the senders who may no longer be



The day we stood up on our two feet at first

The day we took our first step

The journey we\'ve been on

We may have stopped many times

But we kept on going

Our wonderful journey is not yet over


The pole of our memory still stand


When the first one drops out

And those in the back row will soon follow

Will take a new step forward

Where do we come from?

Where are we going?

Our Great Journey is still going on



The day we stood up on our two feet at first

Pole as our memory of that day still stands

I don’t say; “Forever”