
Resurrection Revealing

Tune: Judas Maccabaeus

(\'Thine be the glory\')

Matthew 28 v.1-10


End of the Sabbath, dusk of Saturday

On the first day of the week, dawn on Sunday

Came Mary Magdalene and other Mary

Unto tht sepulchre, it then for to see



Christ ever with us, risen from the dead

Noe to die no more, He e\'er our living Head


And, behold, there was too a great earthquake

Angel of the Lord descended, land did shake

Came from heaven and the stone he rolled away

At the tomb\'s entrance, and sat on it that day - Chorus


His countenance was like lightning, clothes white

As snow, guards at the tomb trembled at the sight

Angel said to women, Fear not, for I know

You seek Jesus, who was crucified here so - Chorus


He is not here, for He is risen, see

The place where the Lord lay, it now empty be

Come, look for yourselves, and then do go quickly

Tell disciples He is risen from dead, free - Chorus


Say that He has gone on to Galilee

Go there and then Him you shall certainly see

They did leave the tomb with fear and with joy great

Ran to disciples, bough them good news not late - Chorus


And as they went, Jesus did then them meet

They did know Him risen, and He did them greet

They worshipped Him, Go tell disciples, He said

Go to Galilee, see me risen from dead - Chorus