Another day starts again with you in it
I don’t have the strength to even begin it
I don’t have the gumption to get out of bed
With all of the insults you put in my head
You tell me I’m worthless, you tell me I’m lame
Don’t have an original thought to my name
You tell me I’m useless, you call me a tool
You say you don’t know whom I’m hoping to fool
I wear a brave face so that nobody knows
I hide all the pain so that none of it shows
I’m totally hopeless, you tell me again
And so I believe you. What good am I then?
I look at myself and I only feel shame
I know it’s not me, since you’re always to blame
By saying I’m helpless you’ve crippled my soul
You’ve torn out my faith and I’ll never be whole
I’m left in the dark with my doubts and my fears
With troubles and worries and those countless tears
The devil’s and demon’s torments never cease
I’ve given up hope that I’ll ever find peace
Down here in the dark it’s lonely and cold
And it feels much worse when the shivers take hold
I’m shaking and screaming for someone to care
I’m needing a friend but there’s nobody there
Some scars on my arms might be just what I need
I’ll try it sometime just to see if I bleed
Then maybe the demons will leave me alone
They’ll see I can torture myself on my own
There must be a way for this pain to subside
How bad would it be if I just up and died?
Drastic, I know, but it seems like the thing
To end all the pain with the peace it would bring