Trenz Pruca

Boredom and Depression Are Not the Same.

Boredom and depression
are not the same.
they both leave
you starring
at nothing
for a long time.


The bored are
not unhappy.
Annoyed perhaps
not unhappy.
We have pills
for depression,
not boredom.


I am not
I am bored,
I tell myself.
Half the world
tells itself that,
I think.
What the other half
is a mystery
to me.



My time is short.
I watch more
television now,
read more books,
write more,
stare at the yellow sky.


My time is short.
These are troubling times.
who will be left?
what will be left?
What can I do
for those who follow?


Some have
jobs to do.
Others run
from fires.