
Comfort From Christ

Tune: Quebec

(\'Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts\')

John 14 v.1-7


Jesus said, Let not your heart be

Troubled, believe in God and me

In my Father\'s house are many

Mansions, bright dwellings, so they be


If it were not so, I would tell

You, and you sure would know it well

I go to prepare place for you

I will come back, take you there too


That where I am, you also be

And where I go you know, now see

You know the way, then said Thomas

Lord, we need you explain to us


For we know not where you do go

And how can we then the way know?

Jesus said, Look, I am the way

The truth, and the life be each day


No one comes unto the Father

Except by me, then they may share

In fellowship, if you had known

Me, too my Father you be shown


From now on you Him sure do know

E\'en if not know Him long ago

And you have seen Him in His Son

Jesus, God\'s Son, the only One