
Life Book.

Our lives are like a book,

You open the first page

And the story begins.

That first chapter starts at birth

Where loving parents watch over you.

In that young life you learn,

Learn so much,

More than at any other time.

Each new chapter giving wisdom,

Wisdom and experience.


The pages in the book get turned

And new chapters are always there,

Some of the chapters draw you in

To the glory in your life,

The excitement cannot stop.


A new chapter then starts

And maybe it bring sadness,

Sadness and despair,

But you can read it

Knowing that a new chapter awaits.


Sometimes you believe that the end has come

So you stop reading the book,

This is not the way it works

So you must turn the page,

As the book is not finished

And that next chapter can bring you wonder.


My long book of life has had many chapters

And I still look forwards to each one,

To each new chapter that awaits me,

As I know there are many more yet to read.



“Life is like a book, some chapters are sad, some happy and some exciting but if you never turn the page you will never know what the next chapter holds.”