Poetic Dan

Out of my mind to find my heart

From my mind to the sea

She help me find my hearts harmony 


To exit my thoughts that make me, me! The place that\'s kept all the records to mix up my beat, where the animalistic spirit has constantly been on patrol in its streets. 


Getting shown for a moment how the body mind and soul can truly work as one, but not before we went through more than I\'ll even be able to spit off my tongue.... 


3 hours before this I tangled with my inner know it all! Wanting to just shut down, to convince myself that this was not worth doing for any rational sense, I just find comfort in warmth and the cold is not really anyone\'s friend. 

I knew I was scared and my mind was going to do this right up to the moment we arrived, before then I had to ride the waves we could make up in more marvellous conundrums. 


The point in time came, walking across the stones I was ready to take this leap, my energy was buzzing, hers completely grounded. Asked to remove my shoes, sitting with gentle music that soothes, yet with words that still sadly moves as I try to not think about what I\'m about to do. 


A few minutes of warm ups and my first challenge hits, I\'m bear foot and it\'s now doesn\'t feel right to put my shoes on, it would stop the flow that we had already created!

Running on the spot, jumping up and down with a few other movements later she say right take my hand! 


We cross over into the next bay, my feet hit the water and its already to cold, the mind starts to bolt yet my body just keeps on going forwards. The tingling in my toes now stopped me in my tracks unable to handle anymore pressure I want to run and not look back, asking to go down lower felt like a perfect heart attack. 


This moment would not stop or go away the animal inside couldn\'t fight or flight, as even the tears wouldn\'t help us survive the only way out was to let this all collide into the safety I have inside. 


Yet down in that depths, upon my chest I struggled to find a single breath. No sound could be made, no pattern of thoughts, just a soul in front of me, showing me how to break down that inner wall. I still don\'t know how but together it did, finding my grounding in that moment still brings tears as I write this. 

As like a flash of lightning,I went from \"I swear I\'m about to die\" to \"I\'ve fucking got this!\"  Able to not only throw water over my face but dunk fully under (twice) and come up with enough energy to break the sound barrier that kept me in place, to then do what I have never been able to do, no matter what sounds or breathing I used. 


Walk back bear footed across all the stones to begin the next part of this journey and I can honestly say,  I was not ready for it and still trying to figure it all out..