
paint and be dammed the consequence

paint and be dammed the consequence

eighteen whiskey miners

deep beneath the bowels of the stubborn trough

where coughs the lungs under milkwood sheets

where sudden relief greets the oil upon hidden canvass;


I am lost in a light that refuses to retrieve

conceive and believe the honour bestowed upon the wilds

as the defrosting child

melts upon a heavens chin

for the grace of god almighty

and the pearls about the market place

dungeons for the battered beans of blighty!


spit and fire upon the wrist of the blistered glove

our fetus lost in the hedgerows of primrose and bluebell

the yellow jaw of the flamingo as it worships our confession

a congregation in heat

as the obsession for the tiresome quarrel feeds our succession;


pant and be calm this disease upon the lung

dried dust and horses dung

turn quickly the screws into my brain

this last generation of the frozen pea with work undone

flowers the cancerous porcupine with bleeding breast

the smothering mothering to the triplets of the jest;