

A man of such vast riches,

We could never count his wealth.

Was going away on holiday,

To indulge his selfless self.


Before he went on travelling,

He asked an artist proud,

To paint a vast, large mural,

That would attract a stunning crowd.


He wanted a special type of work,

To depict the words of Custer,

As at the Little Big Horn fight

He and his troops did muster.


The man went on his sojourn,

To places far and wide.

Spending great sums of money,

With all those at his side.


Some weeks later he came home,

Fit and bronzed and tanned.

Still with loads of money,

Always close to hand.


He came into the room,

To see the artist’s work.

And stood in shock and anger,

And called the man a burke.


A fish was standing upright,

With a halo up above.

And at its side were Indians,

Making wild and furious love.


As he turned with red-face anger

Towards the cowered man;

He said “Just what is this?

This was not the plan!


The man said, “It is what you asked for,

To show what Custer said.

And that’s what I’ve depicted,

Just get it in your head!”


“With all those braves approaching,

Some several hundred millions,

He turned and shouted loudly

Holy Mackerel, Fucking Indians!”