Thomas J. Dooley


Looking for something we don\'t have, every woman and man 

Looking something in the sands as it sifts through the hands

A knowledge to understand walk as humans in this land


P.L.P. what we dream what we strive to be

What I see in you I hope you see in me

A deep feeling we all need to feel free


Hope for justices a victim soul within our hearts we will hold

Giving up is not giving in when pictures can be seen within

Good trouble is the call today as we continue to pray


P.L.P. what comes from the heart to the eyes should never be a lie

Not an activity; it is feeling experiencing the giving without receiving

It is something deep that we are needing


An emotion used as a lie just for a momentary feeling 

A word used and abused for a momentary lie

Look deep inside connect with the eyes; this is true life.


P.L.P. what we look for is a clean slate removing that self-hate

Steady the mind invasion a white page floating in an ocean is your stage

A point of light in you shining bright; it is the life that is always new


The white sari transforming the sister into an instrument hear her sing.

The tune of the flute flowing through me, and you 

Feel the knowledge it has the directions to what to do


Peace is the dream we strive to be

Love is an emotion of giving without receiving

Purity is starting over; it is what is inside of you.


©Copyright Thomas J. Dooley 2021