Andy Hunter


You’re under my skin
And I can’t let you win
Spreading your butt around town
Always running me down
I let you use all my stuff
But what I gives not enough
You are so paranoid and weak
You think you’re strong
No, you\'re just a hungry leech
Like a grasping dwarf
Who craves whats out of reach
So now\'s the time to tell you
Get this in your tiny mind
Clear out of my space
Get out of my face

Now the tables have turned
I’m the one in control
You think you’re so clever
So get out of this hole
The time has come to mention
That I’m on to your case
So clear out of my sight
And get out of my face
We were good together
Some people might say
But they don’t understand
You always got your own way
The tide is now turning
I hold every ace
Goodbye forever
Get out of my face

Get out of my face
This ain’t your place
Don’t knock on my door
I can’t take no more