
Everyday Evangelism

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

Mark 13 v.1-10 parts

For St Mark The Evangelist\'s Day: 25 April


Mark did evangelise

Pressed on towards high prize

Of knowing Christ more, and gospel

Wrote, and of Him did tell


In times of troubled days

Mark\'s words of Christ, it pays

To heed, for He said false Christs shall

Appear, know you this well


Though troubles there shall be

This be not the end, see

For the gospel must first be told

To all nations, free, bold


That before Christ\'s return

All may have chance to learn

Of Him, and His salvation choose

It the gospel, good news


So as Mark faithfully

Evangelised, may we

Take our part, by your Spirit share

You, so others too hear