Poetic Dan

Not a poem but life in motion

9pm.Spent the night in a crate ( help with separation) 


9:30pm pee in bed and barks  in protest, take out clean and asked to re-enter. 


10pm. Big barking and had to come out for some T-touch to calm the mind and muscles. 


10.30pm. lights are out only a few noisy that could be shhh for reassuring.. 


First night done ! 


Next day. 


6am got ask to wait to be calm before exiting, then no pay with other dogs. Gentle greetings only 


6:20am asked again to keep under control while I get ready, leads on and front door training. 


6:30am. Taken to a local park, asked again to not push or shove, barking or whining. Then we can step out and walk 5 minutes with me! 


7am. Halfway around and lots of fun to be had, changing direction (recall training) and social skills learnt... plus smells taken in. 


7:30am back in the car for more training, to sit and let the world dog by.  Learning to switch off. 


8am. Home and learning to be relaxed around young children and chorus. Not run upstairs and if so no charging back down, asked to lower energy and return to balance before going in to the other rooms. 


8.30am asked to wait out of a room while food is prepared, then asked once relaxed to come and eat. 


9.am relaxed puppy playing with natural boundaries. Still no excessive barking at the world or each other. 


10.30am out for a joint pack a walk, new area for smells and dogs. Helping with gentle structure and discipline for a relaxed mind. 


12pm. Home again with a more relaxed dogs and gentle play. Then given task to forage for food to help mentally stimulate the brain. 


3pm. when possible leave for upto an hour or so to help being left alone 


4pm. One more walk to do any business (wee) and general stimulation. 


5am. Learning to give space while we prepare and make and eat our dinner. 


6pm they are asked to wait for theirs again like breakfast. 


7pm Till  9pm.

In the garden to again learn to relax around noisy with little play but slowly encouraging affection with lots of love. 


10am. Asked to go to bed with a treat to then start a wonderful morning all over again. 


Always following the same template but try mixing places and activities or environments for what\'s best to each dog.