
One Year of Redemption


He followed in the footsteps his ancestors

they bequeathed him their land, so that

he could tend the land that laid desolate,

his ancestors witnessed many a tragedy

they went through floods, hurricanes,

earthquakes, drought and cyclones, they

survived and held on but never gave in

they told him never to sell or abandon the farm

they urged him to protect the land never

to dwell among strangers or any other people

they insisted that it was a land flowing

with milk and honey and asked him never

to live among the nomad tribes because

they could defile the land, bringing their

filthy gods and traditions with them, they advised

him never to share the land with them, he was

told to look after the land, to cater for it

in sickness and in health, he was told

to wage war against their enemies,

they were desperate to give him the

benefit of the doubt, his ancestors told

him: \"look after the land as it has all

the necessities that you need\"

the land was fertile the great envy of the




The ancestors mentioned they would leave land

in his possession and care, he was responsible 

for the upkeep of the land, he was the pride

and envy of the world, it was a pristine land

which wasn\'t polluted with rot and rust, he was

privileged to carry on looking after the land,

there was a contest between the nomads

and Fillip to occupy the land, both sides

claimed ownership, they were adamant that

the land belonged to them and were the rightful 

owners of the land, the land attracted strangers

the land had provided bread and wine for centuries

Fillip couldn\'t force his beliefs but was

focused to look at his property and new

found freedom, he reaffirmed that he wouldn\'t

give an inch of land to strangers and tried

his best to maintain a semblance of peace

he never insulted or abused strangers,

he treated everybody as humanely as possible

he avoided causing a conflict and wasn\'t

in self-denial.

The earth never failed him and it provided where

it was most needed and if the earth failed

it would mean that he too would fail.

She was in need of a companion and she

met Fillip where she revealed her intention

to find a friend like him, she would care,

look after him, she was not in need of

money but was attracted to his

character, she wanted to take him out,

she believed he was much more precious

that honey, he was one of too many

he was her delight, an emblem of peace

he was better than the whole life on

earth, she was comforted being in his

presence, she could live with him,

their was no one who would steal him

and she would protect him: \"I like

you more the waters of the earth.\"

She knew she could land a fish but she

was desperate to call Fillip his companion,

she could loose nothing by loving him,

she could accommodate him, she would offer

him the whole world, she would co-exist

with him, she knew that he would not fail her,

she would walk through a field of fire in

order to possess him, she would massage him with

an ointment and followed her thoughts, she

knew that he would make her happy, she would

dispel her sadness to the wind, she couldn\'t

resist mentioning what he meant for her,

he was her jewel in the crown, he was her

sunshine, he was the light in her hour of

darkness, he was her river of happiness and

he was her blossom of peace, there was no one

who would steal or rob her from receiving her

man, she was glad that she celebrated having

him in her life, she was at peace with the world.