Makoto Maruyama

Will speak the fire words

You shouldn\'t build a memorial pillar
Let\'s burn a fire that does not perish
The fire that reveals good and evil
The fire of glory of diamonds

Born from the chaos of heaven and earth
The original gods have already hidden themselves
The hug of the sun is brilliant, cruel,
Pour on all living things
The arrogance of the sun makes everything on the ground

Let\'s grow the darkness
Which warm and cheerful,
Let\'s grow the darkness

Let\'s grow the darkness
Let\'s throw fire on the ground
Let\'s bring division
Let\'s make the rumor

I will speak the fire words from now
Those who want to refute should come
Whether I\'m whipped
Trying to throw stones at people
To carry the honorable sacred burden
Isn\'t it like a breeze in the field?

Why do you worry about clothing?
Even the wise King, who was proud of his glory,
Was not dressed as much as a single flower in that field.
What to eat, what to drink,
Should not think
Where to live?
Isn\'t there a grassland that spreads like this?
That\'s not what you should ask for
Talent? Power? Personality?
Feed them to the dogs!
You already have enough things
Why don\'t you notice?

I spell in blood ink,
I will speak the fire words
Don\'t think you understand me
I speak only for those who do not understand
Don\'t step on my footsteps
Make footprints yourself

You shouldn\'t build a memorial pillar
Let\'s burn a fire that does not perish
The fire that reveals good and evil
The fire of glory of diamonds

All miracles have disappeared,
At the same time, everything transforms into the miracles.

Blessed are the ones entrusted to the wedding of
The prince and princess who were consecrated to the fire of the Amethyst
Frozen buds bloom large flowers,
Birds breaking through the lie in the sky cross the stratosphere

Burn the wedding of the prince and princess
As if adding firewood to the sacrifice of the saint

Have firewood in despair

Thousand sun and thousand moon kiss each other
The hugs of million springs and million winters

Firewood of your despair
Dedicate your despair to the sacred marriage
Of the prince and princess,
Blessed by the fire of the Amethyst