Mister V



So many days, lost, in this unforgiving place

I wonder what misfortunes I\'m soon to be faced

with; so wretched and cruel it is that I\'m far from complacent

that I long for my very own expiration as if it were dated.


There\'s a fatally-posed crisis at absolutely every point in my horizons

and at every corner there\'s demises that I lost faith for almost anything righteous.

And as unfortunate for my life that it is, I choose to succumb to its vices

I avoid overdoses by intoxicating in light hits, and flee my reality in harshly subtle silence.


As my altered pupil dissolves away in my iris I relax and zone-out in the moment

I ease my thoughts as if cured through remedy by potions.

And finally breath with the tranquility of a vacation-specified ocean

as if my soul vacated it\'s host and was sent to another space like its chosen.


At least for a second, and although not destined, it still feels golden

not as a reaction to its power, but as an escape from what\'s broken

to a place that\'s better, and this, just a small fee or token

until the next day, when repeats all the ills that I\'ve spoken.