Doggerel Dave

The Joys of Apartment Living.

What is the dear lady downstairs up to when she slams her door?

With sudden tiresome intensity it reaches through my floor.

Is she crazy? No idea, but soon it’s going to be me

If there’s no sign of change from her, and there’s none that I can see.


Her movements are high volume during the course of every day-

This has to stop; Where is the solution? I must find a way.

At the residents meeting a proposition should be fine:

Could management check all doors for proper function? is my line.


The old dear appears quite amused and sends me a furtive grin,

Oh I’ve just become aware of the trouble I may be in.

I decide to leave it a while then make a personal plea,

A quiet chat and all is resolved? I have to wait and see.


I’m frustrated with the old baggage as no good comes of that;

For my respectful request seems to encourage the old bat

And the volume of her door action becomes all the greater -

Now what can I possibly do in order to defeat her?


As I habitually retire between twelve and one thirty

This might inject the situation with some reality:

At morning my blankets are folded and stowed during daylight;

Come end of the day my bed is made up very late at night.


I have always managed to complete this with much thought and care;

My bed abuts a wall which happens to be hollow just there.

I do attempt to make silence at that time of night the rule –

But it’s clear the evil witch below wishes to play the fool.


I decide then to cease worry about the noise I might make;

It’s just conceivable that my actions might keep her awake.

Well now, I wonder will she manage to see a connection?

Yes – It took time but she notices my implied suggestion…