Fay Slimm.






On sun-honeyed cottage walls another day
knocks and ousts from bed every duty-clad
mother to wake snoring offspring and move 
bread-winning others.

As whinny of sea-breeze shakes bud-drop
on nearby trees gallop of bed-sheets leave
sweating bodies, crumple floor-wards and
stretching offspring wriggle while yawning
at quitting warm covers.

Kitchened in throb of breakfast-sizzle old
dog squints at dawn and whimpers when 
called from white-aproned bustle to leave  
inside and chatter of hob-blackened kettle
as brown tea rouses its cobbled-clog rush
to scoop buttered bread for deep pockets 
needing crust later.

Day offers no wind as man-feet splash mud
in pooling gait along early streets, stopping
to rub bleary eyes and tighten a coat string
before reaching tar-skewered beached craft
close-keened for action its swab-clean deck
in bobbing-boat wait.

Olden-day clippered sails, ocean harboured
held filled holds of battened-down business
for woman-fed boatmen, ready-sluiced and
home-muffled handled hauled cargoes best
in unruffled water.

Decades ago all hard pressed mothers held
home-ropes together and giving no heed to
fine-weather seekers they set zealous flame 
under all lazy dalliance whether on husband
father, son or daughter.


Praise be for unrivaled female dedication to
successful survival of the closely knit family
whether working on moorings or out at sea.