L. B. Mek

of Uncertain, vigil’s


Enticed first-glimpses igniting, magnetic attractions 

electrified neurons, curating - Spring’s mirages

surfing, youth’s adrenaline of intoxicating - vehemence.

Time’s, muddying tracks have since washed-away 

that first meeting\'s - once, effervescent scenes

as now Winter’s colours: paint reminiscing’s - silhouettes.


Treasured one, I sit inking

my anxiety’s musings - a daily routine

soothing efforts - to ease, yearning’s aches

my feet itch, like Ezra’s ‘Merchant\'s Wife’


our reuniting’s: idyllic scenes.


Though, at times - pacing steps, are anchored

to doubt-enveloped stagnancy, pensive

what if Li Bai’s – lengthier, original

had a sombre meaning: how much

was lost in translation?



© L. B. Mek

January 2020