Fay Slimm.






I am Desire,
that strenuous jailer whose nightly
visits leave victims
guiltily restless in lonely beds. 

I, Desire free 
readiness by envisioning indulgent
abundance, I un-bind
the notion of forbidden caresses.


When I take the floor enthralment
drenches repression
with selfhood\'s long needed proof 
of awesome emancipation.

I believe in making blissful winners
for I am Desire
and subjugate moves to check my
intention of more extrication.


Despising restraint I enter hearts 
which unwakened swell
with an ache for sensual freedom 
never been known before

Note therefore that I, Desire, fight
to lead liberation
with unfettered strength if passion
from frigid is to be drawn. 


I am Desire and
no one denies my awesome ability
to rouse without fear of reprisal.

Oppose me and subjection replaces
resolution as reminder 
that I am  invincible by design .