Andy Hunter

My Bank Holiday

Woke up this morning with nothing to do
Looked out of the window, the sky was blue
It\'s a Bank Holiday- feels good to be alive
So I\'ll go to the coast and enjoy the drive.
Then the crying sun whispers to a cloud
And the north wind hears and howls out loud
We’ll make them wish they’d never been born
Let’s stir things up and cause a storm.
As rain stings my skin and the wind grips my soul
I look for shelter and wait for a lull
Hoping that things can only get better
I look to the sky and curse the weather
The storm now almost at it’s peak
But the forecaster\'s said it should be fair this week?
The traffics bad and so is my mood
Is there an end to this motorway queue?
The breeze softly whispers “there’s nothing to fear
The sun’s now setting – the end if near”
But I wont let the weather spoil my fun
I\'ll forget about the traffic the rain and no sun
Just enjoy my Bank Holiday - with my ideal fix
A long cold beer and a dose of Netflix