Andy Hunter

COUNTER SPY (The Death Of James Bond)

Life in the fast lane – Both playing the game
We’re known by numbers – But never by name
Licensed to Kill – Must never ask why
Live for the thrill – But someone will die

Searched every inch of this damn town
Taking time - to track her down.
The question is - How could I fall in love
With a counter spy?”

In this quest I mustn’t fail
There’s no escape, I’m on her trail
A tiny clue is all I need
I’ll sniff around – I’ll get a lead

I spot her in the Ritz Hotel
The way she walks – Her special smell
“Don’t disappear – Time goes too soon”
“Let’s have a drink and book a room”.

“Show me your secrets – I’ll show you mine”
She laughs and says – “Your cliché’s fine”
“Let’s go to bed and have some fun”
“And we can play - with your big gun”.

We both laugh - fall into bed
She pours me a beer with a good head.
We share a drink and snort some coke
She then declares -“this is no joke”.

And as she turns I see the gun
I say “come on this isn’t fun”.
“Not meant to be” was her reply
“Oh why must you be a counter spy?”

She then says “Sorry, you’ve failed the test”
Then pumps two rounds - into my chest.
“Can’t understand – why kill me?”
Through tears she says – “I must be free”.

One more bang and then he\'s gone
She got in first – No more James Bond.
Its dog eat dog - as spy kills spy
Must follow rules but not ask why.