
Of Love and happiness

It Happened very suddenly and I had to search

according to my whims and observations and

I had to search the mountains, the valleys were

it resided; in the pockets of the world, could it

be hidden in the depths of the earth?  Where I

had to receive rather than give to all the world

patience and calmness was required if I was

to dwell in the land of hatred and it was obtaining

gladness upon the seat of gentleness and I

had to focus and have a sense of direction to comfort me

no one knew what I was after, the carnival 

procession took hold of my good spirit at a time

of my choice.



Everything possible was achievable and drafted letters

to give me joy that prevailed and sailed upon the river

there was hardly any anger in my life, it was my deep

secret to hold on to my life that had no end but a

beginning; to say the least and I wondered where to

wander cross the mountain and my life was content

to find satisfaction that never deluded me and my

world achieved the impossible and there was 

comforting moments of joy and everything secretive

was revealed to me as a vindication of justice, and

truth, there was no fear, hate or vice versa and there 

was no hurt or pain, the wonders of life were never

puzzling or enigmatic and the future happens today.

Without today there is no future and today makes

tomorrow and the future. Of love must happen today.