
She Found Herself.

She tells me many things,

Many things in her life.

I listen,

I listen as that is what I do,

Listen to people

As they talk of problems,

Problems in their lives.

And this day I listened,

Listened to the problems,

The problems she had,

Had in her life

Within a relationship.

She was being pulled down,

Pulled down away from her womanhood

Into a slave for the man,

The man she had married.


One day though she found a way

To conquer her insecurity,

She came back.

Her life was changed

And the woman she was came back.

Her strength of character returned,

She found herself once more.


Back into her world she came

Full of power and wisdom,

Knowing that she would not fall,

Not fall into that slavery again.

The woman she once was

Was back,

Stronger and more determined

To live her life

Under her own rules.