Andy Hunter


The blood is pounding through my veins
I struggle to catch my breath
My concentration starts to wane
Illusions of certain death 
Demands now problems piling high
Will their questions their ever cease? 
Engulfed by panic as I try 
Relentless efforts to please.
Confused and tired I glimpse my fate
Bereft of all spirit and hope 
I toil to fill my master’s plate
No longer able to cope 
I’m shouting loud but no one hears
Yet peoples’ eyes are staring 
Fateful mirrors reflect my fears
This world is so uncaring. 

Why can’t they see
I just want to be free 
I need to escape 
But fear I’m now too late 
My fortunes been read
In too deep over my head 
They say – \"do it now\"
But don\'t tell me how 
Must I sink or swim 
Subjected to their whim 

My mind now like a carousel
Is spinning out of control 
Alleviate this darkened spell 
Please release my tortured soul 
This bloody battle almost lost 
The abyss grows ever near 
My sanity will be the cost 
If I surrender to my fear