Accidental Poet

From Where Came Forth My Name

Wonder this you may

The origins of my name

An interesting thought

Of which I’ll entertain


Some twenty years ago

I discovered my inner poet

Imagine my surprise

 For I was the last to know it


Even still today

I find myself amazed

Looking back at my writings

I stand confused and dazed


To myself I said

“I can’t be a poet”

But there upon the page

A poem, but who wrote it?


I look to the left

I look to the right

There’s no one else here

Just me alright


I’ll remember writing it

But can’t believe it’s me

I’m here all alone

So, who else could it be?


Perhaps a masked poet bandit?

Who robs from the rich

To give to the poor

And I got caught in the switch


An accident it must have been

Surely the evidence will show it

I’m as innocent as can be

Guess I’m an Accidental Poet


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021