Eugene S.

My American Finger

I do not understand why the moth flies into the flame
Has he never been singed

I will not be an animal who continually does the same
Willfully unhinged

I am human and American, and I am not ashamed

The scumbags next door living in their stagnant squalor
I reject your lifestyle - abhorrently

Your pets determine your fate and compound your putrid living state
I will dismiss you completely

I am human and American, and I am not ashamed

All powerful doctors with your taut chains of salvation
I can see through your ruse

A religion wrought by quivering hands and wandering contemplations
Your tithes, will I refuse

I am human and American, and I am not ashamed

For freedom is what matters to me and not the ways of the worldly
Of that, you can be sure

But the world has never seen itself and into the flame it flies
Many of my compatriots sadly, there, will die

But I am human and American and will not be ashamed

So now the judgement comes from those who hate my ways
I really do not care

But I know that in your mind, you happily count my days
Googling with your ever present stares

Just know this, I am human and lived as an American - free, and I will not be ashamed