Accidental Poet

Living in the Shadows

Pride follows confidence

Failure to fear of success

There’s safety in the shadows

An ego to caress


Finding your place in the world

Easier for some than others

Some engines run strong

Some cough and sputter


Is it a life I dream of

0r a dream I live in

It’s all one in the same

Waiting on life to begin


There’s always more to a story

Than just what you expected from it

Read between the lines

And the story within it


As shadows grow long

Year after year

And pieces to the puzzle

Appear and disappear


With curious interest

She sees a smile in his eyes

But loneliness in his heart

Giving clue to his disguise


For how could such a man

Smile from eyes of blue

Without the radiance of love

A heart overdue


Hiding within oneself

Like existing off grid

Living in the shadows

Of a life not lived


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021