

Tune: Moscow

(\'Thou whose almighty word\')

Ephesians 4 v.30-32 and 5 v.8


Do not grieve God\'s Spirit

By Him your way is lit

Each step, each whit

For by Him you are sealed

Till redemption fulfilled

That day you sure shall know

When it comes so


Let all wrath, bitterness

Anger, clamour, no less

Things that not bless

Evil speaking, malice

Put these away, all this

Things of sin, selfishness

Repent, confess


And be you kind one to

Another, their needs view

Go help them true

And be tender-hearted

Forgiveness imparted

E\'en as God forgave you

In His Son true


As darkness once were you

That your state, light not knew

Blind was your view

But now you are light in

The Lord, and cleansed from sin

Live now as sons (/daughters) of light

Good in God\'s sight