Kevin Michael Bloor

My Darling of Divine Delight

My mesmerising mademoiselle,
her face, from canvas, casts a spell.
Enchanting, like her body, warm:
the finest, fearsome, female form.

She’s simply stunning to the sight,
a darling of divine delight.
With waterfalling golden hair
and eyes that flash and twinkle fair.

Her lips are full, with pleasing pout;
about her beauty there’s no doubt.
Her smile is like Aurora’s Dawn
and when her portrait has been drawn

the critics, they can’t help be kind.
For faults they fully fail to find.
Instead, they grow, for girl with glow,
an all-consuming need to know

her name, and who had given birth;
to loveliness not found on earth.
She may be Aphrodite’s twin,
a goddess, without shame or sin!

A girl who\'s always had to fight
(poor darling of divine delight)
sad suitors, who were young and old;
since beauty makes men brash and bold.