Andy Hunter


Endeavouring to keep you keen 
You’re told you’re in a winning team 
So everyday of every week 
You stay until the job’s complete 

But you never win – only lose 
Some may help – others use 
The rhetoric’s repetitive 
Must give them all you have to give 

The boss is fat – his workforce lean 
Your coffee’s black – he’s got the cream 
He’ll pay you just enough to live 
He must remain competitive  

Remaining focused yet confused 
All compassion now refused 
So who is right? and who is wrong? 
Which side of the fence do you belong? 

Believing everything’s OK 
You’ve had some laughs along the way 
Time to leave – perhaps you’ll stay 
Tomorrow is another day 

A statistic on a balance sheet 
You cost too much – you’re on the street 
You had it all – but now it’s gone 
Is it your fault? or just a con?. 

Black Coffee – where the cream?
An empty promise – a broken dream 
Forget about the nine till five 
You’ll work all hours just to survive