Accidental Poet

My Heart’s Playlist of Songs

Memories of you Sharon

Never far from my mind

The distant past

I lovingly rewind


Since you went away

Often, I’m reminded of you

In love songs I hear

Relating my love so true


So many songs

I’ve now compiled a list

Totaling 289

Until the next song insists


So many times, I wanted to say

“I love you”

Then I learned you’d be leaving

And I knew I had to tell you


That’s when I left that letter

In your school locker

At risk, you might think of me

Some kind of stalker


For love to haunt a man

For more than fifty years

With the memory of your smile

And not even a hint of tears


Quite to the contrary

The smile you left with me

Fueling my inner fire

And my own smile to see


This playlist of songs

Playing within my heart

Every one for you Sharon

The love of my life, my sweetheart


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021