Accidental Poet

The Greatest Love

In history’s book of love

Its there you will find

Many different loves

Throughout the pages of time


Love between family

Fathers and Mothers

Giving birth to

Sisters and Brothers


Between best of friends

And neighbors too

For family pets

Or animals at the zoo


But when you fall in love

And your heart is on fire

For that certain one

Your heart’s one desire


You’ll know its special

Different from other loves

It’s a gift from Heaven

Sent down from above


It’ll make you smile from within

Your soul all aglow

And the change in you

Will start to show


And should you lose that love

For whatever the reason

Rejoice that you had that love

In love’s eternal season


The euphoria in your heart

What everyone dreams of

Love unconditional

The greatest love


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021