
Presage as Message

Deep in the second wave

Like a gigantic tidal wave

No time for a goodbye wave

Precious breath left to save


Action more important than reputation

Not doing anything no longer a solution

Premature triumphalism led us to our fall

Let’s heed from all quarters the frantic call


Preparing earnestly for the next wave

Conscientiously avoiding the same mistake

Gradually undoing the unforgiving wake

For entire populations are at stake


Let’s spread gentle words of caution

For all those unaware of the precaution

Future targets may be teens and youth

Ignoring recklessly the fundamental truth


Let’s fix our recurring systemic flaws

Prioritise our expenditure for a cause

Not for lifeless statues and monuments

But for throbbing life with no arguments


Let’s comprehend the underlying presage

Public health means health for one and all

Selfish narrow thinking leads us to wreckage

Common good is indeed critical to one and all


MN - 2021.05.21