
Do Shut Up Orchi....

Note to self:

Do shut up now, Orchi!

You waffle on and on sometimes


Well, I wish I would shut up

But I never seem to start shutting up

I witter on and on

Asking questions like:


\'Is \'the morrow\' the same as \'tomorrow\'?

And \'Is \'witter\' the same as \'twitter\'?

And \'If Fire Exits have to be kept closed at all times

How we gonna get out if there\'s a fire?\'

Doh! I must know these things!

One more: \'Who is Bill Stickers, and his mate Bill Posters?\'

Why they got to prosecute them?!


Fido, me talking dog will help me

He knows 99% of what there is to know!


He checks them poems still, ya know

And barks severely at anyone

Forgetting to mark a poem 18+ when it should be

Then when I swoon

At the least hint of  a hot poem

He revives me with wine, mixed with water, of course


He knows some Bible verses too

He found one recently:

\'Your wine is mixed with water\' (Isaiah 1 v.22)

Though that was not OK

It symbolised the people\'s compromise

Maybe half-heartedness


Or maybe even their stinginess

Well, that one applies to me

Yep, add water to ya wine/whisky./etc

It\'ll make ya tipple last longer

Ya won\'t have to buy another bottle so soon

Makes sense to me! LOL.