
British Summertime.

Comes that time of the year once more,

The sun climbs above the horizon

Up into that clear sky

Painting it a bright clear blue,

Not a cloud in the sky.


The sun gets higher in the sky

Giving light to all below it,

On this earth where nature thrives

Awaking on this clear bright day,

Ready to walk in the suns brightness.


I walk through the wooded glade

The sun lighting my way,

The speckles of sun shing down

Through the leaves and branches

Of the trees that surround me.


I come to the lake and sit

Watching the sparkling water

Where the sun strikes the ripples

Creating such glorious art for me,

Just there for me in this wondrous day.


I walk on through the day

Bathed in this sunlit heaven

Towards evenings wonder

Where the sun slides over the horizon,

Leaving its warmth behind.


I sit in my garden thinking of the day,

The wonders I have seen

On this beautiful sunny day,

And as I toast the day

Knowing that all is well in my world.


I know that British Summertime,

Is the best DAY of the year!