

They come

every year 

without fail,

the cool breezes

a prelude to the rain,

 the dark purple clouds

filled with  raindrops,

ready to fill the earth with hope,

hope of escaping 

the summer,

the ever pervasive heat,

the humid blanket 

that smothers,

bringing relief 

to the parched earth,

hope of new life sprouting.

The monsoon is here!

Waking up in the morning

to the music of the rains,

 to the smell

 of freshly washed earth,

 afternoons heavy

with rain filled clouds,

the  dark evenings

filled with rain,

the nights alive

with the sound of cicadas,

 and the whisper of the

rain fly\'s wings

as they rise up 

from the damp earth.

The monsoon is here,

bringing  with it

the music of the rains.