Accidental Poet

Alzheimer\'s Disease

A stealthy demon

That hides within time

Laying dormant

Until it begins to unwind


Arriving later in life

A bandit in disguise

It takes whatever it wants

Leaving tears in your eyes


A subtle loss

Unnoticed the first year or two

The theft of memory

Replaced by heartaches too


My adoptive Mother

A victim of this disease

Though at eighty years old

She excepted it with ease


Now my adoptive Father

Fallen under this cloud

At nearly ninety-five

Its deafeningly loud


Although at times I laugh

Of things he says or does

Other times it’s so sad

Knowing the disease is the cause


My own memories

Like gold I treasure

But memories of my Dad’s

I embrace to measure


At almost one hundred

A lifetime of memories fading

Sad that the human body

Lives on just wading


My sister and I

All we can do is observe

The slow decline of our Dad

His last wishes ours to serve


I think to myself

Damn this awful disease

But to God I thank

For giving my Dad his release


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021