
In the excreted company of the wolves nocturnal cyst

in the excreted company of the wolves nocturnal cyst

sunlight on the darkened bowels of an evenings romantic jewel

love for the hairy hound on the shoulders of maligned hispanic jew

I walk with the talking heads through blades of a shaded elbows thrust;

entrusted with the saving of lifes abnormal worm

crawling as I serenade the hand grenade as we waltz through the blitz of tender gas

my adoring eyes settle on the breast of the frowning eel

as I peel away the sunset from the eyebrows of her buttered sisters cheeks;

with faith lost in the blow-up doll where trolls my urge to sketch

the wretched beast who drums my uncertain eye

humps the rump steak virgin oil on a termite mound

as my second cousin to the furnished crown of gods informal dress

uniforms my casual dress into a more eclectic manner of conceipt;

I am in love with the boil on the backsideof her heart

wanking with the spanking hand of the occult

in sulking trees with knees of abanded seed

she breathes my semon cold through the veins of abandoned profiterole ghost;

I love you most

when hung drawn and quatered and dead beneath a crescent moon;

too soon the frowning of despair

with my pickled chin with receding hair

slice my wrist with the hostess blade of abandoned flight

skip; skip into the darkness of a dancefloor with its red aubergine

purchase my soil with the inept coins of cluttered regime

march. march with pixies with their panoramaic views

of relinqueshed religous apple stew;

in the excreted company of the wolves nocturnal cyst

piss on my face

and trace the ancestrol role of my ancesters coconut oil;