
Natures Symphonic Day.

I awake in dawns early light,

I just lay and listen

And I hear the glory of the birds,

Dawns wonderful chorus welcoming me

Into this new day in my life.

I arise and walk downstairs,

Open the door into the garden.

The birds raise their voices

Moving from the overture

Into the first melody of today’s symphony.

I know that this day music will be with me,

The loud movement of the morning

Into the slow movement of afternoon,

Showing me all the glory of nature’s sounds.

When the day is over I sit in the garden

The light of the day fading,

The symphony changing into slow beauty.

I go up to bed and lay there

Listening to natures lullaby

As I fall into a dream filled sleep

Knowing all is well,

And it will be an even better day tomorrow.