
Church Unity And Gifts

Tune: Morning Light

(\'Stand up, stand up for Jesus\')

Ephesians 4 v.1-11 parts


Live worthy of the calling

Of the Lord in each thing

Which He has called you to, see

What your vocation be

With all lowliness, meekness

With longsuffering bless

Each other in love forbear

As you in Christ all share


Endeavour the unity

Of the Spirit keep, He

Dwells with and too within you

He works, and does renew

You to more of Christ\'s image

Shown true in each visage

Maintain the bond of peace, so

Unity you shall know


There one Spirit, one body

And you are called, so be

In one hope of your calling

United praise and sing

One Lord, one faith, and there be

One baptism too, see

One God and Father of all

Above, through, [and] in us all


To each one is given grace

And Christ\'s good gifts we trace

Each one given a measure

They gifts from His treasure

They be means of unity

Apostles, prophets, see

Evangelists and pastors

And some they be teachers