Andy Hunter


I’ve had enough – can’t face today 
All their shit is thrown my way 
Whatever I say or do ain’t right 
Guess I\'ll have more bruises tonight 

I watch them glare through raging eyes 
They contradict and patronise 
And make me feel I don’t belong 
A worthless piece of human scum 

Threatened by an angry fist 
So many reasons on their list 
Everyday they shout and moan
Don\'t need this crap - I gotta go

Accused with lies no alibi\'s
Inflicting pain to justify 
I lie awake with no one to tell
They call it home - I call it hell 

To hang on to my sanity 
I’ll dream of what perhaps may be 
And find a quiet lonely place 
Imagine that it’s my own space 

Won’t die on my feet – can’t live on my knees 
Just walk the streets with no one to please 
No goodbyes – just walk away 
Perhaps survive another day 

Stay out of sight – won’t lose my mind 
Go out and see what I can find 
I\'m on the run – don’t wanna fight 
Just wanna feel warm and safe tonight