Saxon Crow


The estuary patiently waits for the fluid blanket of the sea to come caressing it once again
Quietly it bears its vulnerable body to this harsh natural world 
Sure in its belief that symbiosis will begin again
Were i that confident? 
But all i see are the bleak lonely pools and  fragile bones laid bear
To be pecked and preyed upon by uncaring things 
Reminding me of what i once had  
That i was protected and purposeful
At peace with the world
But now i am nothing but an empty channel 
Shaped and abused by time and geology.
My emotions governed by the ebbs and flows of a non committal sea
Uncertain of who i am meant to be

But still it\'s the nature of my heart

Like an estuary of what will come and go and what will change and blend

Each tide beyond my control

Chaos when the sea meets rivers end