Tune: Spiritus Vitae
(\'O breath of life, come sweeping through us\')
John 15 v.26-27 and 16 v.8-11
When the Comforter is come, He shall
Speak of Jesus, of Him well tell
The Comforter He is the Spirit
Through Him minds be illumined, lit
Jesus shall send the Spirit for sure
Who comes from the Father e\'ermore
Through His power we shall bear witness
To Jesus, an assured truth this
When the Spirit comes His ministry
Shall be to reprove, convict, see
The world of sin, righteousness, judgement
His mission, from the Father sent
Reprove of sin, because they do not
Believe on Jesus, that their lot* (*state)
Reprove of righteousness, for Christ goes
To the Father, on earth not shows
Reprove of judgement, because the prince
Ruler of the world is judged sure
Satan and his hosts all defeated
For Christ over death has conquered