Trenz Pruca

I revel in obscure facts

I revel in obscure facts
and history’s random events.


I am empathy dangerous without sympathy, 
blind sympathy lacking empathy.


I am what I tell myself

to keep away the darkness.


I dance on the edge of a volcano


I have been a long time on the road.
I am on the road and coming.


Do you want to know what they would say if you asked? 
Or do you want to know why they’re really so upset?


If you asked,
they would tell you 
people could have 
gotten hurt.


They’re really worried 
They don’t know what to do with me. 
No one wants the responsibility. 
No one wants it to be their fault.


It makes them uncomfortable. 
I can’t be fixed,
They think they can. 


They’ll keep trying to pass me off
to someone who can. 
My parents to the school, 
the school to my parents.


I don’t need to be fixed 
I just have to be ready 
for the moment
they stop trying.


 I cannot despise them 
without acknowledging 
their importance.