Blue Poet

The tale of a cat and a mouse

Come out and play come out and play
You little mouse
Onward onward 
Right to the slaughterhouse 

I am a smilling devil 
Dancing in my garden of evil 
The cat has risen 
Tell me tell me can you see her

Can you see the claws can you see the teeth
The predator is awake and wants to feed
Now comes your moment your hour of need
When you\'ll run or you\'ll bleed

You\'ll be it\'s meal you\'ll be it\'s snack
Go tell your family go tell your pack  
To run for their lives and don\'t look back 
For the beast has risen and is on your track

Sharp are it\'s teeth 
Even sharper claws
You can run but you can\'t hide
From the hungry jaws

Sitting under the eyes of a hawk
There\'s no time to catch your breath 
You\'ll have to breathe through the shock
And run in circles run like an arrow of a clock

Bewere bewere of the tail and it\'s shadow
Just a glimpse of it should tell you: It\'s time to go
The cat is fast and you are slow 
And on and on goes the show 

Survival of the fittest
The hunter and a prey
Don\'t weep now
This is the life\'s way 

All you wanted was to survive
But the cat is a ruthless killer
In one moment you were alive
In the next you are a dinner