Tune: Duke Street
(\'Fight the good fight\')
Proverbs 3 v.13-19
Happy are they that wisdom find
It shall direct their heart and mind
And happy who understanding
Get, they be guided in each thing
For the gain of it is better
Than gain of silver can confer
Its profit more than silver, gold
Is in life, its blessings be told
Wisdom more precious than rubies
And all things that the desire sees
Nothing to her can be compared
Nothing so well to her has fared
Length of days be in her right hand
As we are wise and understand
In her left hand riches, honour
Consult her, to her e\'er refer
Her ways are ways of pleasantness
And all her paths are peace, no less
She a tree of life to who lay
Hold upon her, happy their day
Wisdom retain, and hold her fast
She shall give joys that ever last
The LORD by wisdom the earth laid
With understanding heavens displayed