
Winter In Bahrain

The subtle changes;

a chill in the air,

dusk approaching early

days shorter, nights longer,

and winter on it\'s way.

A while back, 

seeing the woolens in the mall

I wondered, 

at the winter clothes here

in Bahrain, in the Gulf

where there\'s only scorching summers!

Silly me;

me who knows only 

the summer heat and the monsoon rains

of the tropics,

the winter is unknown;

a novel experience.

Then come November, and

as the temperature dropped 

there\'s a glow in my heart 

warming me up 

the excitement of a season

not yet experienced.

The winter

with it\'s cold chilly 

mornings and nights,

freezing winds

and the mist creeping in 

from the Arabian sea 

is here ..

And I, wrapped up 

in my winter wear,

a mug of hot chocolate 

and softly humming heater 

warming me up

snuggled cozily by the window,

reveled in the happiness 

winter evoked in me..

As everything unique

in this beautiful tiny Island,

even in winter

the sun shone down 

golden and bright every day

and the stars twinkled 

in a clear night sky.

The sky, blue and cloudless,

the light so intense,

that, the first winter in Bahrain

was the best.