Robbie GJ

Smile for the “camera”

She stands there smiling,

As the camera starts climbing,

They know what they want,

And won’t settle for less than perfect.


  The colour of her hair blonde as the sun,

Eyes open wide and blue as the sky,

Face full of makeup to ready to impress.


  From the way her dress clings to her figure,

Low enough to show off her cleavage,

Stopping just below her thighs,

Highlighting her posterior.

Her feet so soft like she’s never walked before,

Framed by heels so tight enough to cut blood.

She stands there still as the camera watches her,

Just like her mother was taught before she knows not to squirm.


   As the camera searches for the best looking women,

Who can cook and clean and raise all the children,

The camera stops as they lick their lips,

It’s found the women it’s gonna pick,

They grab her by the hand and pull it like a lead,

Back to their home more known as a prison.